KEY (Continuous Outcome, Single Sample)

(A) Laos has the highest low birth weight rate (39%); Spain has the lowest (1%).
(B) The United States has a rate of 7% which is greater than or equal to 36.7% of the other observations. Therefore it is no more than the 36.7th percentile.
(C) Histogram - click here. Data are "skewed right."
(D) Summary stats: n = 109, mean = 11.147, SD = 6.417, min = 1 max = 39
(E) A 95% CI for � = (9.9, 12.4). Comment: Even though data are skewed, the sample is large enough (n = 109) to allow a normally based confidence interval.

(A) Descriptive stats reported by Epi Info

      Total        Sum       Mean   Variance    Std Dev    
        462      40627     87.937    256.150     16.005    

    Minimum     25%ile     Median     75%ile    Maximum       
     50.000     76.000     86.000     98.000    153.000     

(B) Frequency analysis and histogram -- see serzinc.pgm for commands used to produce output

SERZINCG   |  Freq  Percent   Cum.
 40 TO  59 |     6    1.3%     1.3%
 60 TO  79 |   145   31.4%    32.7%
 80 TO  99 |   207   44.8%    77.5%
100 TO 119 |    93   20.1%    97.6%
120 TO 139 |     7    1.5%    99.1%
140 TO 159 |     4    0.9%   100.0%
     Total |   462  100.0%

Click here for histogram.

(C) 95% CI for �:(86.5, 89.4)
(D) H0: � = 85 vs. H1: � not = 85; let a = .05; tstat = 3.95, df = 461; p = .00009, reject H0. A significant difference between the hypothesized population mean of 85 and the sample mean of 87.9 was found.